Friday, February 28, 2014

Welcome to Another Journey

     Welcome to another one of our journeys we are currently going through.  We have noticed that our 11 year old is different, he has been ever since I can remember.  Nothing bad, just different.  We thought it was because he was so sick with phenomena when he was two.  Then I thought maybe he will grow out of these things...we kept the thought of autism in the back of our minds, the thought was there...
     Until recently, teachers at his school have noticed a few changes in him.  One started noticing stuff last year, but no talk of Asperger's came up.  Until, about a month ago.  His handwriting is awful, he can't tie his shoes, he talks constantly about Thomas the Tank Engine, and other things; these were some of the things they noticed. 
     When my husband and I started reading more about Asperger's we soon realized that there were a lot of things that started to make since now.
     Our son makes faces when he talks, he seems to live in his own little world with little knowledge of what is going on around him unless it interests him.  He doesn't get emotional when every one else is grieving or showing other types of sadness.  He is a very messy eater (which I thought was typical of boys).  He chews on his fingers, picks at his head and scratches first I thought this behavior was because he saw someone else doing it (he is very quickly to want to act like someone he knows or sees on television). 
     The school sent home some paperwork that we had to fill out and I guess that's when it hit me that maybe he wasn't coping other people; maybe it was his way to cope with things.  They are going to do some testing there at the school, but we also took him to his doctor and he is being referred to a physiologist. 
     I love my boy and want only the best for him and knowing what we know now has opened my eyes so much.   It does scare me to think that he will be in middle school next school year, and knowing that on a maturity level he's just not ready.

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